AAgAtlas of human autoantigens
ABCPred for B-cell epitope prediction
ABDesigner for design of peptide-based antibodies
AbDesigner3D for design of peptide-based antibodies
AlgPred predicting the allergenicity of peptides
AlgPred 2.0 predicting the allergenicity of peptides and proteins
AllAllergy providing access to information about allergy
AllerBase of allergens
AllerCatPro for protein allergenicity prediction
Allergen Database of allergens
Allergen Database for Food Safety of food allergens
AllergenFP predicting allergenicity of proteins. Accepts oligopeptide sequences.
Allergen Onlinehttp://allergenonline.comDatabase of allergens
AllergenOnline Celiac Disease of celiac-toxic peptides and proteins associated with the AllergenOnline database
Allergen Peptide Browser of peptides serving as markers for qualitative and quantitive analysis of allergnes by mass spectrometry
Allergome of allergenic molecules.
AllerHunter predicting allergenicity and cross-reactivity of proteins
Allermatchhttp://www.allermatch.orgTool for sequence comparison to allergenic proteins.
AllerTOP predicting allergenicity of proteins. Accepts oligopeptide sequences.
AllFam of allergen families based on Pfam classification
AllPred for prediction of allergenicity of proteins and peptides (length at least 8 amino acid residues)

Database of pathogen antigens

Database of epitopes
AppA for analysis antibody-antigen interfaces
Bceps predicting B cell epitopes
Bcipep of B cell epitopes
BEID of B cell epitopes and their interactions
BepiPred predicting linear B cell epitopes
BEPPE predicting location of epitopes on the basis of secondary and tertiary structure of proteins
CDPred predicting celiac-toxic epitopes and motifs
Cross-React for prediction of cross-reactivity between allergenic proteins on the basis of their structure
dbPepNeo of tumor peptide neoantigens
DeepNeo for neoantigen prediction
DMPPred predicting antigenic regions in proteins, responsible for type 1 diabetes
ElliPro for epitope prediction
EPCES predicting conformational epitopes
EpiChttp://epic.embl.deProgram for epitope prediction, designed to support experiments with antibodies.
EpiDOCK for MHC class II binding prediction.

Database of allergenic peptides. Program comparing sequences of proteins and potentially allergenic peptides. Also accepts peptide sequences as the queries.
EPIMHC of allergenic peptides. Program comparing sequences of proteins and potentially allergenic peptides. Also accepts peptide sequences as the queries.
Epitome of epitopes
EpiToolKit predicting T cell immune response against proteins or peptides
EpiTOP for MHC class II binding prediction
Epitope Cluster Analysis tool for clustering epitope sequences
Epitopia predicting B cell epitopes in protein chains
EPSVR, EPMeta for prediction of antigenic epitopes

Program predicting the allergenicity of proteins
Expitope searching for proteins containing epitopes and proteasome cleavage sites
IEDB-AR of epitopes. Program designed for prediction immunological properties of proteins. Part of options accepts oligopeptide sequences as a queries
IL-6Pred predicting induction of interleukin-10 by peptides
Il-10Pred predicting induction of interleukin-10 by peptides
iLBE identifying linear B-cell epitopes
IMGT of International Immunogenetics Information System providing access to databases and programs from the area of immunology and allergology
ImmuneData for discovery immunological data
ImmunomeBrowser for epitope mapping in silico
IMTECH Server providing access to bioinformatics tool designed in IMTECH, Chandigargh, India
InformAll providing information about food allergy. Contains e.g. database of allergenic proteins from food. Webiste is maintained as a part of the EuroPrevall project
IPD database
iTTCA-Hybrid for prediction tumor T cell antigens
IUIS home page page of the International Union of Immunological Societies
KISS predicting binding affinity of peptides to MHC alleles
LBCEPred for linear B-cell epitope prediction

mCSM-AB predicting influence of mutations on antigen-antibody intractions
MHCBN of Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) binding peptides
MHCMIR predicting MHC Class II affinity of peptides and proteins.
MHC Motif Atlas of MHC binding motifs
MHCPred predicting binding of proteins and peptides to Major Hiostocompatibility Complex.
MimoDB of mimotopes. Containing search engine based on BLAST algorithm, accepting peptide sequences as a queries

MtbVeb supporting design of vaccines against Mycobacterium tuberculosis
MultiRTA predicting MHC-binding affinities of peptides


Programs predicting affinity of peptides to MHC class
nHLAPred predicting MHC I-binding epitopes
OmicTools Immunology offering access to bioinformatics tools concerning immunology
OptiTope for the selection of an optimal set of peptides for epitope-based vaccines
PAComplex predicting model of MHC-binding of protein or peptide set
pLM4Alg predicting allergenicity of peptides and proteins
POPI predicting the allergenicity of proteins and peptides.
POPISK predicting T cell reactivity of peptides
ProInflam finding pro-inflammatory epitopes in protein sequences
ProPepper of epitopes of cereal origin
Protegen of antigens involved in vaccines
SABPred for prediction of epitopes and paratopes, specific fot given antibodie and antibody structure prediction
SCRATCH predicting immunogenicity of peptides
SDAP database of allergenic proteins.
SEDB of epitope structures
SEPPA 3.0 for prediction of spatial epitopes in proteins and glycoproteins
SEPPA-mAb for prediction of spatial epitopes in proteins and glycoproteins
SORTALLER for protein allergenicity prediction. Accepts peptide sequences as a queries.
SPADE predicting the presence of discontinuous epitopes and cross-reactivity via comparison of protein surface properties
SVMHC of allergenic peptides. Program comparing sequences of proteins and potentially allergenic peptides. Also accepts peptide sequences as the queries.
SVMTrip for prediction of epitope location
T-Cov of epitopes of Covid-19 virus
TEPITOPEpan for peptide:MHCII binding prediction
The Antibody Registry of antibodies
List of allergenic proteins
Websites concerning the allergens:

General information about allergens

Sequence database at BISF

WHO-IUIS allergen database of allergens from the list of International Union of Immunological Societies