Chemical reactions

Chemical ThesaurusAuthor: Mark R. Leach
Chemogenesis web bookAuthor: Mark R. Leach
ChemReact68Provider: InfoChem GmbH
ChemSpider reactionsWilliams A., Tkachenko V., The Royal Society of Chemistry and the delivery of chemistry data repositories for the community. Journal of Computer Aided Molecular Design, 2014, 28, 1023–1030. Abstract
ChemSynthProvider: InfoChem GmbH
ChemSynthesisProvider: Exclusive Chemistry Ltd
MolDB5R demoHaider N., Functionality pattern matching as an efficient complementary structure/reaction search tool: an open-source approach. Molecules, 2010, 15, 5079-5092. Abstract
NIST Chemistry WebBookProvider: National Institute of Standards and Technology
Organic Chemistry PortalAuthor: Reto Mueller
OrgSynProvider: Organic Syntheses Inc.
RMechDBTavakoli M., Chiu Y. T. T., Baldi P., Carlton A. M., Van Vranken D., RMechDB: a public database of elementary radical reaction steps. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 2023, 63, 1114-1123. Abstract
SCRIPDBHeifets A., Jurisica I., SCRIPDB: a portal for easy access to syntheses, chemicals and reactions in patents. Nucleic Acids Research, 2012, 40, D428–D433. Abstract
Total SynthesesAuthor: H. J. Reich
WebReactionsAuthor: H. J. Reich

Last Updated on 10-10-2023 by Piotr Minkiewicz