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BDPServerProvider: Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia, CSIC
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CFM-IDWang F., Allen D., Tian S., Oler E., Gautam V., Greiner R., Metz T. O., Wishart D. S., CFM-ID 4.0 – a web server for accurate MS-based metabolite identification. Nucleic Acids Research, 2022, 50, W165–W174. Abstract
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ChemCalcPatiny L., Borel A., ChemCalc: A building block for tomorrow’s chemical infrastructure. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 2013, 53, 1223–1228. Abstract
ChemComputeProvider: Sonoma State University
ChemDesDong J., Cao D.-S., Miao H.-Y., Liu S., Deng B.-C., Yun Y.-H., Wang N.-N., Lu A.-P., Zeng W.-B., Chen A. F., ChemDes: an integrated web‑based platform for molecular descriptor and fingerprint computation. Journal of Cheminformatics, 2015, 7, 60. Abstract
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Chemical Activity PredictorProvider: National Institutes of Health
Chemical Identifier ResolverMuresan S., Sitzmann M., Southan C., Mapping between databases of compounds and protein targets. Methods in Molecular Biology, 2012, 910, 145-164. Abstract
Chemical Structure LookupSitzmann M., Filippov I.V., Nicklaus M.C., Internet resources integrating many small molecular databases. SAR QSAR in Environmental Research, 2008, 19, 1-9. Abstract
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ChemicalToolboxBray S. A., Lucas X., Kumar A., Grüning B. A., The ChemicalToolbox: reproducible, user-friendly cheminformatics analysis on the Galaxy platform. Journal of Cheminformatics, 2020, 12, Article No 40. Abstract
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Click2DrugProvider: Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics
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CollectorLópez-Massaguer O., Sanz F., Pastor M., An automated tool for obtaining QSAR-ready series of compounds using semantic web technologies. Bioinformatics, 2018, 34, 131–133. Abstract
ConvertProvider: University of New Mexico
COPICATSakakibara Y., Hachiya T., Uchida M., Nagamine N., Sugawara Y., Yokota M., Nakamura M., Popendorf K., Komori T., Sato K., COPICAT: a software system for predicting interactions between proteins and chemical compounds. Bioinformatics, 2012, 28, 745-746. Abstract
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CRDD websiteProvider: IMTECH/CSIR
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dbCAN3Zheng J., Ge Q., Yan Y., Zhang X., Huang L., Yin Y., dbCAN3: automated carbohydrate-active enzyme and substrate annotation. Nucleic Acids Research, 2023, 51, W115–W121. Abstract
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DeepARSchaduangrat N., Anuwongcharoen N., Charoenkwan P., Shoombuatong W., DeepAR: a novel deep learning‑based hybrid framework for the interpretable prediction of androgen receptor antagonists. Journal of Cheminformatics, 2023, 15, Article No 50. Abstract
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DeepScreeningLiu Z., Du J., Fang J., Yin Y., Xu G., Xie L., 2019, DeepScreening: a deep learning-based screening web server for accelerating drug discovery. Database, Article No baz104. Abstract
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Dendrimer BuilderProvider: University of Bern
DIGREMZhang M., Lee S., Yao B., Xiao G., Xu L., Xie Y., DIGREM: an integrated web-based platform for detecting effective multi-drug combinations. Bioinformatics, 2019, 35, 1792–1794. Abstract
DINIESYamanishi Y., Kotera M., Moriya Y., Sawada R., Kanehisa M., Goto S., DINIES: drug–target interaction network inference engine based on supervised analysis. Nucleic Acids Research, 2014, 42, W39–W45. Abstract
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D-Peptide BuilderDíaz-Eufracio B. I., Palomino-Hernández O., Arredondo-Sánchez A., Medina-Franco J. L., D-Peptide Builder: a web service to enumerate, analyze, and visualize the chemical space of combinatorial peptide libraries. Molecular Informatics, 2020, 39, Article No 2000035. Abstract
DPubChemSoufan O., Ba-alawi W., Magana-Mora A., Essack M., Bajic V. B., DPubChem: a web tool for QSAR modeling and high-throughput virtual screening. Scientific Reports, 2018, 8, Article No 9110. Abstract
DrawGlycan-SFNGCheng K., Zhou Y., Neelamegham S., DrawGlycan-SNFG: a robust tool to render glycans and glycopeptides with fragmentation information. Glycobiology, 2017, 27, 200–205. Abstract
DrugBank MQN BrowserReymond J.-L., The chemical space project. Accounts of Chemical Research, 2015, 48, 722–730. Abstract
DrugBank SMIfp BrowserReymond J.-L., The chemical space project. Accounts of Chemical Research, 2015, 48, 722–730. Abstract
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Last Updated on 22-11-2024 by Piotr Minkiewicz